此次 台中銀行2018 CSR設計 風格以向量插畫為表現主軸,除了以具有豐沛活力的插畫貫穿整本報告書外,也特別將數據、文字以 資訊視覺化 方式呈現,簡少讀者對大量且複雜資訊的負擔,並提升閱讀的興趣與效率。
The Taichung Bank 2018 CSR design is based on vector graphics. In addition to the energy illustrations throughout the CSR, the data and text are also presented in the Information Visualization way. It reduces the burden of readers on a large amount of complex information, and enhances the interest and efficiency of reading.

The cover design is based on the city buildings and the Taichung Bank, which are growing stronger and stronger. In the image, it emphasizes that the new Malaysian branch of Taichung Bank grows together with customers and the environment.
The mascots in front of the image Tai-Mei and Baby of A-Zhong are also inviting the public, creating visual images such as joy, friendliness, environmental protection, and communication. The shape of the town also constructs the visual from the logo of Taichung Bank.

Our CSR design always focus on the unity and identification of different chapters. Through the information level system to build an exclusive color plan belonging to each project, so that each content pages pairs up different color, and the stories are placed in the chapter content with illustration way and the logo of Taichung Bank is cleverly displayed in each illustration. When reading the CSR, the dissemination of the brand image is also invisibly strengthened.

2018企業社會責任報告書 金融及保險業銅獎
Bronze Awards for the 2018 CSR of financial and insurance industry.
台中銀行 2018 CSR 下載連結 Taichung Bank 2018 CSR download
結案時間 Case Closed-2019.08
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIEN-CHIEH
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG