本次 CSR 設計以具有光電特色的科技線條及色塊拼圖(面板)意象結合,呈現緊密相連、相互協力,創造共享價值版圖的概念。光點上有著CSR中的ICON,讓封面跟內頁更有一體感。使用「寫實感的手」與「科技線條的手」即將相握的畫面,突顯 友達光電 與社會大眾共榮向上發展,一同創造共享價值的企業核心理念。
This CSR design combines the technological lines with photoelectric characteristics and the image of the color block puzzle to present the concept of close connection and cooperation. The light spot has the ICON in CSR, which makes the cover and the inside page more integrated. The use of “realistic hands” and “technological lines of hands” are about to hand in hand, highlighting the AU Optronics Corporation’s core corporate philosophy of co-prosperity and development with the public and the creation of shared value together.

The visual elements and information visualization of the inner pages also use the image of the connected light dots to highlight the technical expertise of AU Optronics Corporation.
2018 Electronic Information Manufacturing of CSR: Platinum Award.
There are three language versions of this CSR: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and English.
AU Optronics Corporation 2018 CSR download: https://pse.is/N23MH
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