高雄國家體育場,為2009年世運主場館,是目前台灣最大、最重要的體育場館,出自由國際知名建築師伊東豊雄之手,是世界第一座有開口的體育場。卸下世運重責大任的它,依然是各種國際大型運動賽事與活動的舉辦地,更是民眾休憩、旅遊、享受大型育樂活動的重要地點。為保有場館的溫度與生命力,同時提升品牌價值,手心團隊特別針對視覺識別及環境識別進行wayfinding syetem指標設計 。
The stadium initially built starting in 2009 due to the occasion of World Games in 2009 and also invited the well-known global architect- Toyo Ito to design the stadium with unique appearance and features.
The development of the stadium head to the multiple angles once the World Games was well accomplished; in addition to having various professional and worldwide sports and games taken place, it also good for having some art performance, music concert, the public activities in large scale provided as a fine public open area.
The scenery space outside of the stadium has also become a good choice for the general public spending time as leisure.
為了更深入了解問題並進行系統性的規劃,手心團隊分析了場館舊有的指標設計 問題並進行資料收集,經過一連串的概念發想與現場驗證後,激盪出各種關於場館的識別概念元素,經統整歸納,制定了指標設計規範。將空間的層級與資訊進行分類:由外而內、由大至小、由少至多,重新建構出新的分區系統,並透過科學化的流程驗證指標視認性並進行整體指標系統設計,打造出一套資訊簡潔、邏輯明確的指標系統、空間導引與動線規劃,讓使用者可依據可視距離由遠至近,輕易地透過色彩、圖案、英文、數字依序尋找相關資訊,有效縮短民眾透過指標找尋目標地點的時間。
Our team analyzed the index issue in the old facility, and also to summarized it.
They categorized and layered the space information and to resume and to construct the brand new seat number and partition system,
to lead to the appropriate height setting, the size of the font,
and also to execute the overall design over the index system through the visibility formula which can help the user to find the required information from distant to nearby,
and follow the sequence of color, pattern, English letter, numbers to find the required information and tremendously reduce the time that the audience to find their target.
There are 40,000 old seats in the stadium with the trouble to alter the color; the team turns the design constrain around to become a special design feature by categorizing the color of the seat in a bigger number as the seat partition and to categorizing the partition with a smaller number.
And to match up the feature of the building itself -the Fair-faced concrete mold, and to enhance the visibility of the information to pick up non-color as the base color and anticipate that it is able to have the index and the original building with a better match and in the meantime to maintain high consciousness of environmental identification and the index visibility function.
The role-playing for the National Stadium will accompany with the citizens in Kaohsiung City and even to all the fellow people in the country to step forward to a very long term future, and it’s about time to think about how we’re going to establish a long-lasting, energetic, modern, and also bear high readability of the brand name identifying system for the National Stadium.
We expected the visual indication and the brand name can deliver and implant deeply into the heart of the people through the design of the brand name identification; it can not only sustain the glory and the success of the World Games but also bring up the general public with the multiple angels of the healthy and energetic sporty image of the brand-name and also to fulfill more energy and power to the location of the stadium, the nearby area, space, and the people concentration.
結案時間 Completion Time – 2020.01
指標系統與視覺識別系統設計 Designer – 徐志揚 Chih-yang, Hsu、林宜慧 Yi-huei, Lin、李奕臻 I-chen, Lee、潘東 Dong, Pan、盧臆雯 I-wen Lu、周一潔 Yi-jie Zhou、劉家溱 Jia-qin, Liu、江珮瑜 Pei-yu, Chiang、王彥筑 Yen-chiu, Wang、劉又瑄 Yo-xuan, Liu、黃庭莉 Ting-li, Huang、莊淳喻 Chun-yu, Chuang、邱若寧 Re-ning, Chiu、李其晉 Chi-jin, Lee、蘇上棋 Shang-qi, Su、謝奇彣 Chi-wen, Hsieh
專案顧問 Project consultant – 李億勳 Yi-hsun, Lee、洪明宏 Ming-hong, Hong、蔡頌德 Sung-te, Tsai
設計總監 Design Director – 徐志揚 Chih-yang, Hsu
專案管理 Project Manager – 蘇連捷 Lien-Chieh, Su
攝影 Photographer – 王大衛 David Wang
#高雄國家體育場 #世運主場館 #指標設計 #視覺識別系統設計 #環境識別系統設計 #導視系統 #設計策略分析 #設計管理 #視覺辨識 #視認性 #人因工程 #手心設計