此 識別設計 為概念提案,非正式採用之方案。
This brand design is a conceptual proposal, not a adopted scheme in the end.
【前情提要】【Previously On】

The logo design is extended with the word “察” as the main body, and the stable and square image presents the fair, just, and rigorous spirit and attitude of the Control Yuan.
Its symmetrical and compact shape like a signet. In addition to implying the long history, tradition and culture of the Control Yuan, it also symbolizes the Control Yuan’s clear, definite and neutral position, and the word “人” is subtly integrated into the logo.
Not only represents the core idea of people-oriented, but also strengthens the fair and precise attitude and Control Yuan’s impression of protecting and giving the people happiness.

The color plan uses a warm orange that represents hope, light, and peace of mind, pairs up the calm and neutral achromatic color to convey “with a warm heart to protect the fair and just country.”
The auxiliary graphics extend the “people-oriented” design core of the logo, use the image of the word ”人” in the logo, and rearrange it into images that symbolize justice, unity, and guardianship. It is expected to convey the Control Yuan’s power and value of protecting justice and human rights.

結案時間 Case Closed-2021.03
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIAN-JIE、王彥筑 WANG,YAN-JHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG
協力廠商 Assistant Partner
專案顧問 Advisor-林磐聳教授 Professor LIN,PAN-SONG、李億勳教授 Professor LI,YI-SYUN、林宏澤教授 Professor LIN,HONG-ZE
影像製作 Photo Processing-森林影像 Forest Pictures
印刷 Printing-指間數位印刷 Finger Print、藍格印刷 Blue Printing(數位口罩 Face Mask)、富士全錄 FUJI XEROX(金屬色 Metallic Color)、真愛攝影設計 True love Design Photo(直噴 Inkjet Printing)、健豪印刷 GainHow Printing Co.(紙膠帶 Paper Tape、磁鐵 Magnet、桌上旗 Table flag、馬克杯 Mug、水晶壓克力 Acrylic Crystal)
紙材 Paper-大亞紙業 Daya Paper、高雄紙店
Kaohsiung Paper、雅聯紙業 Yea Lian Paper、恆成紙業 Auspic Paper