This brand design is a conceptual proposal, not a adopted scheme in the end.
【前情提要】【Previously On】
Part.1 – https://www.facebook.com/HH.design2014/posts/1194537414338771
Part.2 – https://www.facebook.com/HH.design2014/posts/1203692983423214

監察院身為台灣最高監察機關,其莊正、富有藝術及歷史韻味的建築為一大特色,此次 識別設計 以象徵人權、真相的人民側臉,勾勒出代表「守護正義」的天秤形象,其對稱的造型正好構築成監察院的建築外觀,意指監察院乘載著保障並促進人權的使命,為台灣的民主寫下人權發展的新里程碑。
As the highest supervisory authority in Taiwan, the Control Yuan has its solemn, artistic, historical buildings as a major feature. The logo is designed with the face in profile to symbolize human rights and the truth.
It outlines the image of libra that “guards justice”, and its symmetrical shape is exactly the building appearance of the Control Yuan, which means that the Control Yuan is carrying the mission of protecting and promoting human rights. It is writing a new milestone in the development of human rights for Taiwan’s democracy.

而除了守護正義的職權外,監察院也積極進行服務多元化的數位轉型,期盼能強化與社會大眾的溝通,因此此次 識別設計 的輔助圖形以漸變的手法傳達「科技化」、「數位化」的嶄新形象,其漸變、細膩的造型傳達守護正義、大公無私、國家的良心等意象,期待透過塑造國際化識別,提升監院之價值。
In addition to its duty of maintaining justice, the Control Yuan is actively carrying out a digital transformation of diversified services, hoping to strengthen communication and connection with the people.
Therefore, the auxiliary graphics of this CIS case designed with a gradual approach to present the new image of “technological” and “digitalization”. Its gradual and delicate shape conveys the image of justice, fair and the country’s conscience. We hope that through this international Identify design, the value of the Control Yuan will be enhanced.
結案時間 Case Closed-2021.03
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIAN-JIE、王彥筑 WANG,YAN-JHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG
協力廠商 Assistant Partner
專案顧問 Advisor-林磐聳教授 Professor LIN,PAN-SONG、李億勳教授 Professor LI,YI-SYUN、林宏澤教授 Professor LIN,HONG-ZE
影像製作Photo Processing-森林影像 Forest Pictures
印刷Printing-指間數位印刷Finger Print、藍格印刷Blue Printing(數位口罩Face Mask)、富士全錄FUJI XEROX(金屬色Metallic Color)、真愛攝影設計True love Design Photo(直噴Inkjet Printing)、健豪印刷GainHow Printing Co.(紙膠帶Paper Tape、磁鐵Magnet、桌上旗Table flag、馬克杯Mug、水晶壓克力Acrylic Crystal)
紙材Paper-大亞紙業 Daya Paper、高雄紙店 Kaohsiung Paper、雅聯紙業Yea Lian Paper、恆成紙業 Auspic Paper
字體 Font-文鼎字型Arphic Technology