平面設計|高雄市文化局 以住代護2.0 海報設計 Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung Poster Design

「因住而生,因住而活。」藉由人文與環境的有機互動,高雄黃埔新村除了維護舊有的人文歷史與懷舊的建築空間,更希望能賦予場域新的生活型態,透過此次 海報設計 招攬具有活力、創造力的業者進駐村落,共同創造新的生命力,帶動眷村轉型,成為新的時代意義。

“Living makes you feel alive and cherish every moment.” Through the harmonious interaction of culture and environment, Kaohsiung Huangpu New Village not only preserves its rich culture and nostalgic architecture but also aspires to rejuvenate with a new lifestyle.

過去的眷村生活就像一個大家庭,有著左鄰右舍噓寒問暖的談笑聲、喇叭傳來村長的廣播聲、孩童們在巷口玩鬧的嘻笑聲,各種的聲響無不在喚起眷村的每個回憶,因此在 海報設計 概念上希望藉由廣播、聲音傳遞的方式,用懷舊、溫暖的敘事風格作為兩款海報的設計方針。

In the past, life in the military dependents’ village was like a big family, with the chatter of the neighbors, the sound of the village chief’s broadcasts from the loudspeaker, and the laughter of children playing in the alleys. Every sound evoked memories of the village. As such, we hope to use the nostalgia and warmth as the design concept of the two posters through broadcasting and sound transmission.

以住代護 海報設計

第一款海報以俯瞰的視角,結合聲音擬態的文字造型, 熟悉的聲音,熟悉的身影,村長站在巷口大聲放送,每句話宛如穿梭於大街小巷中,回到那個有街坊鄰居,有笑有淚的黃埔新村;第二款 海報設計 則將畫面拉遠至整個村落,從村的這頭看到那頭,連接著過去與未來,廣播的聲音響徹雲霄,如同新時代的呼喚,邀請大家再次駐足,感受那份人情味,一同參與這片土地的再生計畫,攜手打造新時代的黃埔新村。

The first poster provides a bird’s-eye view, complemented by sound-like text design. By familiar voices and familiar figure, the village chief stands at the alley broadcasting loudly. Every word seems to weave through the streets and alleys, taking us back to Huangpu New Village filled with both laughter and tears; The second poster presents a broader view of the entire village. Spanning from one end of the other, it creates a bridge between the past and the future. The broadcast echoes to the sky, heralding a call to the new era, inviting people to stop by once again, felt the human touch, participated in the regeneration plan of this land together, and feel the warmth of human connections.



Case Closed
Project Manager
Design Director

Mu-xi, Chen
Yi-wen, Lu
Chih-yang, Hsu