平面設計 | 高雄市政府文化局 2022新春 賀卡設計 Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung Lunar New Year Card Design


“In a book lies a house of gold; when the tiger leaps out, gold emerges.”


In recent years, Kaohsiung has been steadily building upon its cultural heritage. The Kaohsiung Music Center and the display of the Lantern Festival have left a deep impression in people’s minds. In the coming year, there are plans to have more expectations and build the city into a unique hub of arts and cultural.

本次 賀卡設計 以藝文城市的概念出發,以復古的筆觸描繪老虎躍出書外的生動樣貌,飛躍的老虎騰在書本構成的祥雲之上,其下清晰地描繪出高雄在地各藝文景點的外觀,閱覽時就如同隨著老虎奔騰飛越、雲遊高雄。虎背上巧妙地將「如虎添藝」藏匿於虎紋之中,也呼應著文化局嶄新一年的新氣象,期待更多的藝文種子深根在地,來年枝葉繁茂。

The vividly appearance of a tiger leaping out of a book is depicted through retro brushwork. The soaring tiger floats above auspicious clouds by books, while beneath it, the local landmarks of Kaohsiung are clearly portrayed. When viewing the design, it feels as if one is journeying with the bounding tiger, flying through the skies. The tiger’s stripes on its back is the phrase ‘如虎添藝’ (which can be translated as ‘A tiger with arts will have more power’). This mirrors the cultural bureau’s fresh vision for the upcoming year, hoping that more seeds of arts and culture will take deep root in the community and flourish abundantly in the following years.



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Design Director

Yu-chun, Lin / Dong, Pan / Tzu-hao, Yeh
Chih-yang, Hsu

-本設計非最終定案之版本 This design is not the final version