品牌包裝設計|AMAI甘い品牌設計 Logo and Packaging Design

如同品牌主理人飛揚跳脫的性格,「AMAI 甘い」以跨域創新的各式美食擄獲粉絲們的味蕾, Logo使用甜甜的「圓」+「甘い」組合出對美味、幸福、用心的堅持,象徵經典的連續圖騰則呈現出品牌對於高品質的追求與挑戰;在產品口味的開發上也勇於探索和創新,期待能不斷帶給消費者另一個層次的心靈及味覺體驗。

As the lively and creative personality of the AMAI 甘い CEO, who create innovative food to earn customers sense of taste and heart. The logo combines the sweet “round” + “甘い” to express the persistence of deliciousness, happiness, and attentive. The classic continuous totem shows that AMAI is pursuing high quality nonstop. Be bold in innovate in product development. Expect to keep bringing different levels of spiritual and taste experience for customers.

包裝設計萬花筒形態的紋樣由內而外交織延展成不同造型,層層遞進地隱喻布丁及奶酪綿密豐富的韻味,讓品嚐的每一口充滿意想不到的驚喜。色彩搭配上使用鮮艷的撞色風格與圖騰創造反差感,活潑的配色為產品增添一絲年輕氣息,也傳達了創新、多變的味覺饗宴。期待跟我們一樣不斷追求驚喜美食的人們,一同品味「AMAI 甘い」。

Packaging design with kind of kaleidoscope image, from the inside to the outside, weaving and extending into different shapes. Layer by layer metaphors the dense and rich flavor of AMAI pudding. Make every bite you taste full of unexpected surprises. In color matching, with the bright color clash style and totem to create a sense of contrast. The lively color increases youthfulness to the product of AMAI. It conveys an innovative and changeable feast. Looking forward to people who are constantly pursuing surprise food like us. Taste AMAI 甘い together!

結案時間 Case Closed– 2021.05
設計師 Designer– 林宜慧 LIN,YI-HUEI
專案企劃 Project Planning– 王彥筑WANG,YAN-JHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director– 徐志揚 SYU,JHIH-YANG
字型協力Collaborative Partner – 文鼎字型 Arphic Technology:文鼎方新書AR FangXinShu、文鼎晶熙潤黑AR JingXiRunHei

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