CSR設計 |2019群創光電社會責任報告書 2019 Innolux Corporation CSR Design

本次群創光電 CSR設計 以企業價值及產業特色為核心,訂定出「光之廊道」的主軸概念,在封面設計上,層層相疊的16:9矩形傳遞出面板的意象,光線在柱子與柱子間穿越形成的縫隙,舖成一條通往藍天的光之廊道。沿著這條廊道的視線消失點通往寬闊的未來,在此之中象徵群創不斷朝著永續與美好的新方向前進,過程中人、環境、社會、自然之間相互串聯彼此交流,在理想中延展開來並共創造出豐富而細緻的世界,讓群創將所有的美好帶進人們的視野與生命。

The CSR design of Innolux Corporation focuses on company value and industrial characteristics and designate the main concept of the “corridor of light”. In the cover design, the stacked 16:9 rectangles present the image of an optical panel. Light between pillars just like chinks that pave a corridor of light leading us to the blue sky. Along this corridor of light can lead us to a wide future, which symbolizes Innolux Corporation keep advancing in the direction of sustainability and wonderful. In the process, people, environment, society, and nature communicate with each other, extending in the ideal and creating a better world. Let Innolux Corporation bring all the goodness into people’s life.


In the design of chapter pages, the concept of 16:9 rectangle is also incorporated, and the main color is according to the theme of each chapter, and the respective auxiliary color system is extended. It is used in the design of all charts and tables to strengthen and integrate. The part of the auxiliary graphics, through the different combinations of pixels, presents Innolux Corporation ‘s product characteristics and the image of cooperation and constant innovation.

群創光電 2019 CSR 線上下載連結:​
2019 Innolux Corporation CSR Download:​

結案時間Case Closed-2020.08​
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷SU,LIAN-JIE、王彥筑WANG,YAN-JHU​
設計總監Executive Design Director-徐志揚 SYU,JHIH-YANG​

#CSR #企業社會責任報告書 #群創光電 #平面設計 #編排設計 #資訊視覺化 #手心設計 #InnoluxCorporation #BookDesign #HandHeartDesign #TaiwanDesign #GraphicDesign​