本次 CSR 的設計主題為「光」,以嶄新的形象開創新的世代,結合「活力新光,樂齡未來」作為核心主軸,將新光集團的溫暖、活力、及對未來金融概念濃縮至整本 CSR 報告書的視覺中。
The design theme of CSR is “Light”, creating a new generation with a brand-new image, combining “Energetic Shin Kong, Future of Elders ” as the core axis, compressing Shin Kong Group’s warmth, vitality, and future financial concepts into this CSR design.
【封面設計】【Cover Design】
封面利用色彩漸層與光影營造生活與智慧科技氛圍,也象徵新光蓬勃、匯流、脈動的主要意象,畫面結合「心」與新光大樓的視覺符號,引領出企業永續發展及社會責任的意象,打造別具品牌特色及社會溝通功能的專業 CSR 報告書。
The design theme of CSR is “Light”, creating a new generation with a brand-new image, combining “Energetic Shin Kong, Future of Elders ” as the core axis, compressing Shin Kong Group’s warmth, vitality, and future financial concepts into this CSR design.
The cover uses color gradients and light and shadow to create an atmosphere of connection between life and smart technology, and also symbolizes the image of Shin Kong’s vigorous development.
The cover picture combines heart and the Shin Kong Building image, leading the image of sustainable development and social responsibility of the company and creating a professional CSR that with a featuring features and social communication functions.
【內頁設計】【Inner Design】
內頁延續封面的視覺元素,配合妥善的編排文字資訊層級制定,建構出完整且能充分描述品牌個性的編排方式:以封面主色調為核心,根據章節主題定義各自的主題色彩,並延伸出各自之輔助色系,以強化整本 CSR 之系統性與章節間的差異性。
The inner page continues the visual elements of the cover, with proper configuration to construct a complete arrangement that can fully come out the brand personality. Taking the main color of the cover as the core, the chapter colors are defined according to the theme of the chapters, and their auxiliary color systems are extended to strengthen the systematization of the whole CSR and the differences between chapters.

The charts and icons use gradients and light-sensitive color blocks as the main styles, collocate simple lines, the complex texts are presented simply, which greatly improves the readability of the information.

新光金控 2019 CSR 線上下載連結 2019 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co. CSR:https://www.skfh.com.tw/skfh_resource/leap_do/gallery/1596703065115/skfh_csrreport_2019_ch.pdf
結案時間 Case Closed-2020.08
設計統籌 Design Overall Planning-林宜慧 LIN, I-HUI
設計師 Designer-林宜慧 LIN, I-HUI、江珮瑜 JIANG,PEI-YU、盧臆雯 LU,YI-WEN
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIEN-CHIEH、王彥筑 WANG,YAN-ZHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG
#企業社會責任報告書 #新光金控 #平面設計 #編排設計 #資訊視覺化 #CSR #2019CSR #CSR設計 #圖表設計 #手心設計 #CSR #ShinKong #TaiwanDesign #HandHeartDesign #GraphicDesign #DesignLayout #InformationDesign #InformationVisualization