本次 CSR設計 以企業價值及產業特色為核心,以「用心,盡在其中」的主軸概念進行設計。封面使用一層一層,由內而外延展的立體剪紙為主要表現手法,傳達由內而外層層累積,連結社會、人文和自然的愛與關懷,畫面構成以台中銀行的Logo外型加上具人文溫度的企業吉祥物,搭配成溫和協調的構圖,呈現台中銀行用心經營的世界,也象徵象徵企業與社會互依互賴、緊密相連的共生關係。
This CIS design theme is centered on corporate value and industrial characteristics, and is designed with the main concept of “everything in heart”.
To convey the accumulation from the inside to the outside to connects the society, humanity and nature. The cover uses three-dimensional paper-cut extending from the inside out as the main expression method.
The image is composed of the logo pairs up the mascot of Taichung Bank to create a gentle and harmonious composition. To present the world that Taichung Bank operates with heart and soul, and also symbolizes the interdependent and connected symbiotic relationship between the company and the society.

The chapter page uses the image design to echo the content of each chapter, plans the corresponding theme colors, restores some objects to the original colors to focus on the key points of the picture, and creates a unique style. It also extends to the design of information-based charts and tables on the inner pages, strengthening and integrating the systematic nature of this CSR design.

台中銀行 2019 CSR 線上下載連結 Taichung Bank 2019 CSR Download:
結案時間 Case Closed-2020.08
設計統籌 Design Overall Planning-潘東 PAN,DONG
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG、劉家溱 LIU,CHIA-CHEN
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIEN-CHIEN、王彥筑 WANG,YAN-ZHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG