CSR設計| 2020年中租控股 企業社會責任報告書設計 2020 Chailease Holding CSR Design


In addition to being the leading company in Taiwan, Chailease Holding is also the largest green energy operator in Taiwan. With a strong industrial distribution, it has promoted the corporate policy of people’s energy. Chailease Holding make green energy cover Taiwan and even the whole world. Therefore, the 2020 CSR design is based on the theme of environmental protection and green energy. The cover is depicted an island that uses renewable energy, that is Taiwan. Connecting with the reflection of the lake surface into the shape of leaves, it symbolizes the use of green energy to build a beautiful home. Communicate with each other under the positive cycle of innovation, support and build a beautiful and imaginative future. The simple and warm style shows that Chailease Holding is care about the environment, and conveys the beauty of the environment and nature.


The chapter page continues the style of the cover and is designed according to the theme content of the chapter, so that the overall style of the CSR is consistent, the color matching is rich but not dazzled. The differences between the chapters are clear, and the chart style is also colored according to different content. The configuration in order to create warm, lively and positive, but at the same time retain the company’s rigorous and professional style characteristics.

2020 中租控股社會企業責任報告書 2020 Chailease Holding CSR: https://reurl.cc/em2ekx

結案時間 Case Closed–2021.06
設計師 Designer–葉子豪 YE,ZIH-HAO、劉家溱 LIOU,JIA-JHEN
專案企劃 Project Planning–王彥筑 WANG,YAN-JHU
設計總監 Executive Design Director–徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG