環境識別|萬巒鄉公所客語環境插畫與環境識別設計 Hakka Language Environment Recognition Design of Wanluan Township Office​

客語為漢藏語系漢語族的一種語言,在台灣會的年輕人已越來越少,為了推廣客家語言學習、認識客家文化,手心為萬巒鄉公所繪製的一系列 插圖 與 環境識別設計 ,來幫助大家更能透過可愛 插畫 情境來一同學習並參與這趟充滿活力的萬巒客家導覽。

Hakka is one of the Sino-Tibetan languages. There are fewer young people can speak Hakka in Taiwan. In order to promote the Hakka language and Hakka culture, we make a series of illustrations for Wanluan township office. Public can learn together and participate in this energetic Hakka tour of Wanluan through the cute illustrations.​



The Hakka language environment of Wanluan is presented with illustrations and Hakka proverbs, so that people can feel that they are one of the protagonists in the story to present the communication between language and people. ​

The elder sister and brother wearing blue and their pet piggy are leading everybody to travel around Wanluan and feeling the passion from Hakka.​


結案時間 Case Closed-2019.07​
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG、徐子皓 SYU,ZIH-HAO​
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG​

#插畫設計 #萬巒鄉公所 #客語 #平面設計 #環境識別設計 #指標設計​ #客家村 #客語環境 #環境識別 #插畫設計 #角色設計 #視覺設計 #環境識別設計 #手心設計 #WanluanTownshipOffice #Hakka #EnvironmentalIdentification #WayFindingDesign #IllustrationDesign #CharacterDesign #VisualDesign #WANLUAN #EnvironmentalIdentificationDesign #HadnHeartDesign #TaiwanDesign ​