手心連續第4年承接瑞儀光電的 CSR 報告書設計,本次設計結合科技與環保永續為主題,將光球的意象用作主視覺,不僅代表光電產品遍佈世界各地,也象徵品牌發展的未來與全球化。
The Hand Heart Design Firm has designed the CSR of Radiant Opto-Electronics for the 4th consecutive year. The main theme of this design is to combine technology and environmental protection and sustainability.
The image of the ball of light is used as the main vision, which not only represents that opto-electronic products are all over the world, but also symbolizes the future and globalization of brand development.
Use the change and flow between light and shadow to express the connection between novel concepts and products. Visualize information and combine key visual image to find a balance between style unity and uniqueness.
The content of the report is enriched by the illustration design that is consistent with the main visual and ICON. On the one hand, it increases the readability, and on the other hand, it also makes the technology industry report more accessible to the reading public. Generally speaking, it is a globe of light in the shape of the earth. It also implies the concept of sustainability and environmental protection. It not only reassures customers, but also conveys the corporate social responsibility of RadiantOpto-Electronics focusing on self-quality and environmental care.

CSR電子資訊製造業 :金獎 Golden Awards for the 2017 CSR of Electronic information manufacturing
瑞儀光電 2017年CSR下載連結: Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation 2017 CSR download:
結案時間 Case Closed-2018.08
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG、曾于齊 ZENG,YU-QI
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG