環境識別設計|萬巒鄉立圖書館佳佐分館 入口視覺 The Jiazuo Village of Wanluan Public Library Environmental Recognition Design

萬巒鄉立圖書館佳佐分館的 環境視覺設計 延續萬巒鄉公所環境識別的插畫手法,以柔和圓潤、色彩鮮豔的筆觸打造萬巒獨有的風格。

The visual communication design for Jiazuo Village of Wanluan public library designed with the same Illustration style from Wanluan village office. It drew by soft and colorful way to create the special style of Wanluan.


The main part is the collared scops owl-Jiazuo Village’typical animal.
The owl usually gives the impression of intellectuals. Villagers welcome the collared scops owls that drop from the sky and bring books.
It means they are a role that leading villager to absorb knowledge and explore unknown in books. It fits in with the library’s idea and position.


Considering that the picture will change when the automated door is working, Hand-Heart designs with library conditions into the artistic characteristics.

The collared scops owl will show up when the automatic door is closing little by little. It looks like the collared scops owls fly and bring the books into villagers’ diary life.

In the picture, men and women, young and old, are happily exploring and enjoying the world in the book. It also means that reading can enhance the emotional communication between family and friends and share fun.

To check more breezy designs of Wanluan:

結案時間 Case Closed-2020.07
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIEN-CHIEH
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG

#插畫設計 #環境識別 #入口設計 #門面設計 #角色設計 #視覺設計 #萬巒鄉立圖書館佳佐分館 #萬巒鄉立圖書館 #圖書館設計 #吉祥物設計 #手心設計 #RecognitionDesign #Illustration #VisualDesign #LibraryDesign #HandHeartDesign #TaiwanDesign #JiazuoVillageofWanluanPublicLibrary #WanluanLibraryDesign #CollaredScopsOwl #MascotDesign #EnvironmentalRecognitionDesign #CharacterDesign #EntranceDesign #FacadeDesign