CSR|瑞儀光電2018企業社會責任報告書 Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation 2018 CSR

很榮幸連續四年都受到 瑞儀光電 的信賴,讓手心能再次著手執行這次 CSR 設計。



Using dot points of light as the main axis of the overall design, adding figurative and simple illustrations to depict the concepts of optoelectronics, products, rigor, technology, and environmental sustainability. The abstract point of light represents the Radiant that continues to spread, grow and continue to shine and move towards the future.​



The cover is based on the concept of sustainability and embracing, and the green color scheme represents Radiant’s return to the earth and society. The staggered light spots also imply communication and innovation. The concept of light spots also echoes the design of the inner page, which once again strengthens the visual image of communication and connection.​

CSR電子資訊製造業:金獎 Golden Awards for the 2018 CSR of Electronic information manufacturing​
瑞儀光電 2018 CSR 線上下載連結 Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation 2017 CSR download:​:https://pse.is/N8MZQ

結案時間 Case Closed-2019.08​
設計師 Designer-潘東 PAN,DONG​
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG​

#2017CSR #CSR設計 #圖表設計 #3D繪圖 #PTI #企業社會責任報告書 #瑞儀光電 #平面設計 #編排設計 #資訊視覺化 #插畫設計 #手心設計 #RadiantOpto-Electronics #CSR #TaiwanDesign #IllustrationDesign #HandHeartDesign #GraphicDesign #DesignLayout #InformationDesign #InformationVisualization​