手心團隊很榮幸能與高雄市立圖書館總館再次合作,推出2020年的總館限定 插畫設計 帆布手提袋。
We are honored to collaborate with Kaohsiung Main Public Library again to create the 2020 Kaohsiung Main Library limited edition canvas bag.

This design uses a warm hand-painted illustration style to reproduce the scenery from the library. The image is set to be a literary boy and butterflies in the library. In the dream-like cloud-shrouded world, butterflies symbolize the transformation of life and the beautiful rebirth. They are full of vitality and spirituality, and can bring inspiration, intoxication and yearning to people, just like the books in the library have always brought to us.
The shape of the butterflies is also connected with the shape of the book folded in half and the flying butterflies symbolizes that reading can lead people to fly away. In accordance with the changing seasons, four different main colors have been designed, as well as slogans that flow over time. Hope to share the feeling with the readers and the good time flowing in reading.

結案時間 Case Closed-2019.12
設計師 Designer-江珮瑜 JIANG,PEI-YU、盧臆雯 LU,YI-WEN
專案企劃 Project Planning-蘇連捷 SU,LIEN-CHIEH
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 HSU,CHIH-YANG