平面設計|高雄醫學大學國際形象稿 The international image of Kaohsiung Medical University

“You are the apple of my eye.” 此次高雄醫學大學國際形象稿的 平面設計 使用「蘋果」來譬喻優秀的、珍貴的、可愛的、健康的人,「來自不同角落的不同蘋果」象徵來自世界各地的跨領域人才,言簡意賅地表達高醫大推動、組織、培養優秀團隊,塑造亞太最佳跨領域醫療學研機構的願景。(同時也向現代設計大師Enzo Mari於1963年所創作的Serie della natura series致敬。)

“You are the apple of my eye.” The graphic design of the international image of Kaohsiung Medical University uses “apple” to refer to outstanding, precious, lovely, and healthy people. “Different Apples from Different Corners” symbolizes cross-disciplinary talents from all over the world, concisely and expressing the vision of Kaohsiung Medical University to promote, organize, and cultivate excellent teams to shape the best cross-field medical research institution in Asia-Pacific. (It also pays tribute to the Serie della natura series created by modern design Master Enzo Mari in 1963.)



Hand heart design through scientific and systematic brand designs workflow, and work with the International Affairs Office of Kaohsiung Medical University, targeting outstanding overseas scholars (graduates, doctors) and professional scholars. Create a series of target groups and release friendly international advertisements to global talents.



In accordance with several basic interviews with management units of different degree programs. From the creation process of Namaxia base to the benevolent practice medicine story of Dr. Hou Zhongwu. We listen and record carefully, to enable the design team members to fully understand the main basic policy of Kaohsiung Medical University for the promotion of medical education. Including views on life, research spirit and multiple development directions.


Starting from the core spirit of “Respect for Life, Pursue Truth, and Research and Explore” of the Kaohsiung Medical University. The main cadres of the teaching team including the principal, the vice principal, and the various chairman of department with members of the design team, select the distinguishing characteristic that represents the Kaohsiung Medical University. Three key adjectives visualized by scientific methods such as statistics, psychology and color science.



After establishing a sufficient basic understanding and make sure the brand tone, the design team immediately launched a series of color analysis, visual element construction and copywriting. Through countless analyses, discussions, members produced many fresh and interesting creatives.​

In the end, we established a visual style of contemporary aesthetics, simple but clear tonality for the brand, and completed the phased task of this project with a series of eye-catching designs that can impress the audience in a short period of time.​


結案時間 Case Closed-2019.12
設計師 Designer-林宜慧 LIN,YI-HUEI
專案經理 Project Manager-蘇連捷 SU,LIAN-JIE
專案企劃 Project Planning-蔡羽星 CAI,YU-SING
設計總監 Executive Design Director-徐志揚 SYU,JHIH-YANG

#平面設計 #海報設計 #品牌顧問 #品牌策略 #品牌定位 #品牌設計 #品牌行銷 #高雄醫學大學 #手心設計 #Brand #BrandDesign #BrandMarketing #PosterDesign #KaohsiungMedicalUniversity #HandHeartDesign #TaiwanDesign #GraphicDesign