華航哩享購為中華航空推出的全新電商平台,提供會員更多元化使用哩程的選擇。 Logo設計 的主要概念以「飛行哩程」結合「梅花」的意象,傳遞華航商城「用哩程數兌換商品」的概念,畫面上梅花的五朵花瓣象徵著五大洲,以簡約的線條及色塊來表現飛越的視覺效果。
“Dynasty-miles-go” is the whole new e-commerce platform from CHINA AIRLINES, in order to supply passengers more choice to consume mileage points. Designed with flight miles combine a plum blossom to be the main concept of CHINA AIRLINES Dynasty-miles-go logo. To convey the concept that mileage points can exchange to goods from CHINA AIRLINES e-commerce platform. The five petals of the plum blossom on the picture symbolize the five continents, with simple lines and color blocks to express the visual effect of flying over.

The main components of the logo use the plum blossom pattern with the image of China Airlines pairs up standard Chinese and English characters as an overall collocation. The color plan continues the main colors of China Airlines and unifies the extension of brand identity.

華航哩享購 CHINA AIRLINES Dynasty-miles-go
結案時間 – 2018.8.
設計師 – 王育安、李俊寬、藍啟睿、徐子皓、潘柔慈
專案管理 – 林玉真、蘇連捷
設計總監 – 徐志揚